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Ex-prosecutor warns the Supreme Court may drop a 'grenade' and flee on last day of term

During an appearance on MSNBC's "The Alex Witt Show" MSNBC colleague and former prosecutor Katie Phang was asked when the Supreme Court will finally rule on Donald Trump's bid for absolute presidential immunity and suggested the delay could be the lead-up to them dropping a "grenade."

Speaking with Witt, Phang stated that she doesn't think the former president will get a total pass, but that she was nonetheless worried by the court's footdragging.

With the court's usual term normally ending mid to late June, Phang noted there is a very real prospect it could roll over into early July.

"Yesterday presidential immunity didn't come down from the Supreme Court," Witt prompted her guest. " Many anticipated that it would, what you think is behind the hold-up?"

''I don't know," the former prosecutor confessed. "You know, they've got until the end of the term that is technically the end of June but we have grumblings that maybe it will kind of bleed into the beginning of July."

"I would hate to think there is something like the justices saying 'Let me drop this grenade and then walk away and go on my summer vacation.' You know, it has happened before with the Dobbs decision where it came at the very last minute before they said 'peace out, we're going away.'"

"So I'm a little bit concerned about — but listen, whatever happens, we have to deal with the consequences of it, but i I am fully confident you will not get a ruling from the Supreme Court of the United States that Donald Trump has absolute criminal immunity."

Watch below or at the link.

MSNBC 06 15 2024 13 10 24

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