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'Stop pretending': Michael Steele flattens Trump's 'Black friends' racism defense

Asked about Donald Trump's claim that he couldn't possibly be a racist because he has "Black friends," MSNBC host Michael Steele was not having it on Sunday morning.

The former Republican National Committee chair, who now is a co-host on MSNBC's "The Weeknd" started off by admitting he was going to be polite about it because it is Father's Day muttering, " I'm going to limit the level of stupid here as much as I can."

Nonetheless, he responded to the assertion by beginning, "When you have to tell me you got so many Black friends it says something about that relationship," before switching gears to, "I think we need to take this for what it really is: more BS from the man who argued for and will argue to this day for the execution of five innocent young Black men, the Central Park Five. Who looks at the heritage that Symone [co-host Sanders-Townsend] and I come from from the great continent of Africa as 's-hole' countries? That believes that in the face of the racism and the antagonisms that we still get from Proud Boys and KKK members, that there are 'fine people on both side?'"

"So spare me the Donald Trump has black friends BS,' he added. "It is Sunday morning and I don't want to have to go to church twice."

He later elaborated, "Just don't sit out there and act like this is groundswell in the community moving toward you because it is not. I think we need to stop pretending — we are at a point in this campaign where everybody just needs to stop pretending because, when Donald Trump says Joe Biden has been the worst president for Black and Hispanic people and has never seen anyone so bad, you know it is a lie. Stop pretending it is not."

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MSNBC 06 16 2024 08 28 22

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