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How to Author on a Busy Schedule

Maybe you’ve dreamed of writing the perfect textbook for your course.…and then you take a look at your schedule, and your author dream gets placed on the shelf next to “Win the Lottery” and “Become a Tuba Virtuoso.”Before you resign the dream, though, let us provide you with a word of comfort. The vast majority of our authors are highly busy individuals who, like you, had initial concerns about the time commitment.It’s true: writing a textbook is a challenge, and it requires intentionality and a little bit of strategy. But ‘impossible’ isdefinitelythe wrong adjective.With the right techniques, itispossible to successfully juggle writing, professional obligations, and your personal life…and even enjoy the process!To give you the confidence boost you need (#SelfEfficacy), here are our four unconventional time management strategies to help you surviveandthrive as a busy author.Know when to Say No?We’ve all heard it before: the prerequisite to proper time management is knowing when to say,...

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