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Top cop who preached zero tolerance over drink-driving charged with being more than three times the limit

A SENIOR cop who preached zero tolerance over a junior officer’s drink-driving has been charged with being more than three times the limit.

Det Supt Paul Kessell allegedly struggled to walk in a straight line when he was breath­alysed after being at the wheel during a road incident while off duty.

Det Supt Paul Kessell has been charged with being more than three times the limit
He was breath­alysed after being at the wheel during a road incident while off duty

The high-flyer, 45, had insisted drink-driving would not be tolerated, saying of a detective constable sacked for the offence: “His behaviour brought discredit upon the police service.”

Det Supt Kessell went on: “His behaviour brought discredit upon the police service and could undermine public confidence.

“Such behaviour will not be tolerated within policing and the decision made by the panel was that the officer should be dismissed without notice.”

On another occasion, he publicly said of misbehaving cops: “Members of the public quite rightly expect our officers to operate with the highest levels of honesty, professionalism and integrity…”

Kessell made the public comments while running a Dorset Police professional standards unit.

But he was arrested near his HQ in Winfrith Newburg after allegedly blowing 115 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath.

The limit is 35 micrograms.

He is due to appear in court next month.

Kessell, in charge of firearms licensing in Dorset, has been suspended.

He faces the sack for gross misconduct if convicted.

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