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Lucas Kunce Hits Weirdo Hawley For Acting Like Tough Guy While Ducking Debates

Missouri Senate candidate Lucas Kunce didn't pull any punches when responding to what looked like some desperate moves from his opponent, Josh Hawley. As someone who lives in Missouri, I was extremely unhappy that the Democratic party in our state threw their weight behind one of the worst candidates we've ever had for Senate, Trudy Busch Valentine, rather than Kunce the last go around.

I'll be very happy if Kunce takes chicken-boy Hawley out this time around now that it appears the Democratic party in Missouri and the voters here decided maybe voting for someone who is actually going to fight and take their opponent head-on rather than playing nice with these fascist Republicans is the way to go to appeal to voters.

Kunce made an appearance on this Friday's All In With Chris Hayes, and Hayes played this ad for his audience, which features St. Louis native John Goodman, before asking Kunce to weigh in.

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