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Professional Governance Models | Strengthening the Health Care Workforce | AHA

Strategies for Now, Near and Far SECTION 1Supporting the Team SECTION 2Data and Technology to Support the Workforce SECTION 3Building the Team SECTION 4Expanding the ReachSection 4|Expanding the ReachProfessional Governance ModelsStrong leadership is essential for informingand supporting professional sharedgovernance. Effective leaders use thestructures of professional governance to builda culture of excellence, where interprofessionalteams can exercise accountability for servicedelivery that advances patient outcomes.Traditionally,these models incorporate shareddecision-making between the bedside nursesand nurse leaders, but organizations arelooking at ways to expand these models toincorporate the full health care team. Successfulprofessional governance depends on clarityof accountability around practice, quality,competence and clinical knowledge. Cliniciansjoin with managers to inform access and use ofresources to support effective clinical practice.Many of the challenges brought on...

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