News in English

Clinton, Biden, and more show Democrats’ unity on night 1 of the DNC

The first night of the Democratic National Convention ended with a valedictory speech from President Joe Biden who expressed his rousing support for the candidacy of Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz. 

At multiple points, the crowd broke into a chant of “Thank you, Joe!” But Biden was quick to correct them. “And thank you, Kamala,” he said, repeatedly emphasizing the role Harris played in the most important decisions of the administration. This is likely the second-to-last big speech that Biden will deliver to the American people, and it was good to see him strong and forceful in recounting events over his career, especially his term in the White House.

When Harris and Walz joined him onstage, America could practically feel the breeze of a page being turned. Biden had done what he could to save lives—and democracy—in an hour as dire as any the nation has known in modern history. Now it’s time for Harris to keep that trust safe, and to carry America forward.

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