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Watch: Trump stops speech after attendee apparently falls ill

Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) made news this month when he stopped a huge rally when an attendee fell ill. From the podium, he asked other rallygoers to pass bottles of water to the individuals who were bringing in medical care.

Out of concern for other rally attendees, Walz asked a staffer to pass out water to anyone in the packed crowd who might need it.

Walz earned some positive press for his actions at the rally, as some online influencers said his actions demonstrated a "Big Dad Energy," while local news station Minneapolis Fox 9 called it going "into dad mode to help."

While Trump has experienced such an emergency in his rallies before, he typically pauses and thanks the emergency staff on hand for their help.

This time, however, Trump stopped his speech and left the stage to check on the person.

See the moment below or at the link here.

- YouTube

See Walz here:

- YouTube

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