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Former Pence adviser speaks to DNC: 'Being inside Trump's White House was terrifying'

Olivia Troye, a former national security adviser to Mike Pence, told the Democratic National Convention that her time inside Donald Trump's White House was "terrifying."

On the third night of the Democratic Party's event, Troye explained why she resigned from the Trump administration.

"As a Republican who dreamed of working in the White House, it was a hard decision," she said. "I saw how Donald Trump undermined our intelligence community, our military leaders, and ultimately our democratic process."

"Now he's doing it again, lying and laying the groundwork to undermine this election," she continued. "It's his M.O. to sow doubt and division. That's what Trump wants, because it's the only way he wins."

"And that's what our foreign adversaries want, because it's the only way they win."

Troye recalled that as a national security expert, "being inside Trump's White House was terrifying."

And she predicted the situation would be worse during a second Trump term.

"The guardrails are gone," she noted. "The few adults in the room the first time resigned or were fired."

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She asserted that the same values that made her a Republican also "make me proud to support Kamala Harris."

"Not because we agree on every issue, but because we agree on the most important issue, protecting our freedom," Troye concluded. "So to my fellow Republicans, you aren't voting for a Democrat. You're voting for democracy."

Watch the video below from the DNC.

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