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Who is Responsible for a Data Catalog? Demystifying Roles and Responsibilities

Discover the intricate web of roles and responsibilities surrounding a data catalog.Organizations are increasingly recognizing the necessity of a data catalog. A data catalog is a centralized repository that provides a comprehensive inventory of available data assets within an organization, making it easier for users to discover, understand, and utilize data effectively. However, the question of who is responsible for managing and maintaining a data catalog often remains ambiguous. In this article, we will delve into the concept of a data catalog and demystify the roles and responsibilities associated with it.Understanding the Concept of a Data CatalogA data catalog serves as an essential tool for data governance and data management. It enables organizations to maintain a coherent and unified view of their data assets, improving data accessibility, and enhancing decision-making processes. By providing detailed metadata, such as data source, data lineage, and data quality metrics, a dat...

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