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All the Stars in Saturday Night Live's 5-Timers Club (a New Member Joined Tonight!)

Another star has joined Saturday Night Live‘s Five-Timers Club!

It’s an honor to host SNL even once. However, some celebrities are so good at the gig that they get invited back again. And again.

Since the late-night show debuted all the way back in 1975, an exclusive club of recurring hosts has developed. Members are initiated once they’ve hosted at least five episodes.

Hence, they become a member of the Five-Timers Club. You gain entry to the club (and get a cool jacket to commemorate the occasion) after your fifth gig.

It’s such an exclusive group that only 26 members have joined in nearly 50 years. Another joined the group on December 21, 2024.

Hosting the show five times is impressive, but some of the members have taken over the show even more times.

Who has hosted the most often and who all have joined the club? We gathered the entire group together for you to peruse!

Scroll through a roundup of every Saturday Night Live host in the Five-Timers Club and find out who has hosted the show the most times…

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