Европейский протест против «миротворческой» деятельности Орбана: еще одна страна присоединяется к блокированию председательства Венгрии


In recent years, the European Union has faced numerous challenges, from economic crises to the refugee crisis. However, one issue that has been causing tension within the EU is the ongoing conflict between Hungary and some of its fellow member states. The issue revolves around the presidency of Hungary, which has been blocked by six EU countries – Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Finland. And now, Denmark has joined in on the blockade, further complicating the situation.

The conflict between Hungary and these six countries began in 2018 when the European Parliament triggered Article 7 of the EU Treaty, which allows for the suspension of a member state’s voting rights if it is deemed to have violated the EU’s fundamental values. This move was in response to concerns over Hungary’s erosion of democratic norms and the rule of law, including restrictions on the media and judiciary, as well as its treatment of refugees and migrants.

Since then, the six countries have been united in their stance against Hungary, refusing to support its presidency of the Council of the EU. This has caused a deadlock in the decision-making process within the EU, as the presidency is responsible for setting the agenda and chairing meetings of the Council.

The addition of Denmark to the group of countries blocking Hungary’s presidency comes as no surprise. Denmark has been a vocal critic of Hungary’s actions and has previously expressed its support for the EU’s actions against the country. In a statement, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said, “We cannot accept a situation where a member state is not living up to the values and principles that we have agreed upon in the EU.”

The decision to join the blockade was not taken lightly by Denmark. The country has a long history of close relations with Hungary, and the two countries have been allies in the EU on many issues. However, Denmark’s stance on upholding the EU’s values and principles ultimately led to this decision.

The move has been welcomed by the other six countries, with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven stating, “We are pleased to have Denmark join us in our efforts to uphold the rule of law and democratic values within the EU.” The united front of these seven countries sends a strong message to Hungary that its actions will not be tolerated within the EU.

The addition of Denmark to the blockade also highlights the growing divide within the EU between Western and Eastern member states. The six countries blocking Hungary’s presidency are all from the Western part of the EU, while Hungary is from the Eastern part. This divide has been a source of tension within the EU, with some accusing the Western countries of imposing their values on the Eastern countries.

However, the issue at hand is not about imposing values, but about upholding the fundamental principles of the EU. The EU is built on the values of democracy, rule of law, and respect for human rights, and it is the responsibility of all member states to uphold these values. The actions of Hungary have raised concerns about the erosion of these values, and it is the duty of the EU to address these concerns.

The addition of Denmark to the blockade also serves as a reminder that the EU is a community of shared values and principles. It is not just an economic union, but also a union of values and ideals. The EU must stand united in upholding these values, even if it means taking tough measures against one of its own members.

In conclusion, the decision of Denmark to join the six countries blocking Hungary’s presidency is a significant development in the ongoing conflict within the EU. It sends a strong message to Hungary that its actions will not be tolerated, and it highlights the importance of upholding the EU’s fundamental values and principles. The EU must continue to work towards finding a resolution to this conflict and ensure that all member states are upholding the values that the union stands for.

The post Европейский протест против «миротворческой» деятельности Орбана: еще одна страна присоединяется к блокированию председательства Венгрии appeared first on a007aa.

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