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E-mails to ease election to expatriate assembly

Parliament has backed moves to share expatriates’ emails as part of reforms to the election of the Council of the Swiss Abroad – this despite concerns over data protection. The proposal - unanimously endorsed by the Senate on Wednesday - seeks to make the Council - the executive arm of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) – more transparent. The motion mandates the government to cooperate with the OSA, allowing the organisation to approach individual expatriates by e-mail, but outlines that it should not violate the rules on data protection. The move is aimed at an election reform of the assembly representing the interests of the more than 700,000 expats around the world. The other parliamentary chamber, the House of Representatives, had passed the proposal in June. OSA director-elect Ariane Rustichelli has welcomed the parliamentary motion. “The decision by the Senate is a step in the right direction. It will allow the introduction of direct elections of ...

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