Summary of thoughts and emotions

First Post so sorry if it bores anyone to tears, just wanted to share.

It was a strange one. It all began with such optimisim and felt like it'd be another one of those magic Blues days. The pubs were packed and buzzing, folk in the queues into the ground continued in that manner.

The pre game KRO was heartfelt and brought the shakes to my lips and tears towards my eyes, although I just about held it together.

The first half, started well, Blues were having a good go, Norwich looked half arsed but for the continued attack on Laird's wing with repeated misplaced passes. The medical incident reminded us all that it's just football and it was pleasing that it passed quickly and that the fella is okay. Went in at half time feeling like the win was probable if the pattern of the game continued.

Hearing the half time scores felt demoralising, but not fatal, still 45 minutes to play. Anything can happen and we've been in worse hopes before.

Bedlam when we scored. Delight when Hull scored. But they hadn't scored. Then that gradual realisation that everyone was just playing out their last game, nothing was going to change. Hull knew their fate, Leicester were hanging, Norwich cared not. Tick, tock... done.

Then just nothing. It felt deserved. It'd been coming. 10 years of BSHL, Rooney, the awful Mowbray news, Venus lost at sea, a drink driving captain, the last minute goals conceded, the winnable home games chucked away, VR setting up for a draw at Rotherham. No striker signed AGAIN, Kev Long let go with fecking Aiwu and Marc Roberts as the alternatives.

But it won't be terminal, not like it would've been with the last lot. There can be optimism. The pubs post match seemed resilient, almost relieved. This may be a chance to "Build Back Better". Start from scratch, as it were. League One won't be a cakewalk and I'd never want to sound like an arrogant so and so expecting us to romp it. But we'll be there or thereabouts. It'll be nice to win games again, to turn up thinking we'll win, not blindly hoping.

And the future. Well the only way is up from here. These guys are professional in all that they do. Mistakes have been owned, changes will be made and this is a mere bump in the road for our beautiful Birmingham City. Yesterday showed that the majority of our support are PROPER.

Our time will come. In the mean-time, ignore the DVBs, the media, and all the rest. Enjoy the summer and then let's enjoy the ride.

Keep Right On!

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