Things you always enjoy doing

But for some reason don’t do them enough?

For me going to the pictures is one. Hadn’t been since October last year to watch a Laurel & Hardy double bill but went to watch Back to Black the Amy Winehouse biopic. Superb watch but sad of course but really enjoyed the experience. Only thing that got on my nerves was in the scenes where she’s singing before hearing she’d won multiple Grammy’s the cheeky mare was wearing a v@@@a necklace tag alongside a necklace her Nan had given her. I googled this as soon as we came out and lo and behold Winehouse had indeed worn one but no one knew if she followed them or her ex Blake wotshisname. I thought some bastard involved with the film had snuck this in.
What a talent she was and what a waste, gone at 27.
Anyway me and the missus enjoyed it despite seeing those colours and will go to the pictures again soon.

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