News in English

Новости за 06.05.2024 

What the Nord Stream Insurers Refusal To Pay Reveals About the Explosions

Lloyd’s of London and Bermuda-based Arch Insurance deny the €400 million claim by Nord Stream AG, arguing their policies do not provide coverage for the 2022 underwater explosions that ruptured the natural gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea because the damage was inflicted by “a government.” But “the defendants’ argument is prima facie irrelevant,” says … Continue reading "What the Nord Stream Insurers Refusal To Pay Reveals About the Explosions"

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I am extremely proud to be a scholar with It has long been the most dedicated, principled, and unflinching opponent of the powerful bureaucratic war machine that continues to drag the American people into disastrous armed conflicts around the world.’s role stands in marked contrast to most press outlets and think tanks, which … Continue reading "’s Determined Struggle Against the War Machine"

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Financial Times 

Why don’t auditors find fraud?

Regulators have put forward a series of proposals to clarify and extend responsibilities to spot wrongdoing