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Новости за 13.05.2024 

European Commission Ends Probe Into Chinese Solar Firms

The European Commission will end an investigation into Chinese solar companies after the firms withdrew from bidding for a solar power project in Romania, Thierry Breton, the European Internal Market Commissioner said on Monday.     The European Commission opened in April an in-depth investigation under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation into two companies – ENEVO, which includes LONGi Solar Technologie GmbH, as well as Shanghai Electric UK Co. Ltd. and Shanghai Electric Hong Kong International Engineering Co. Читать дальше...

Sputnik International 

Iran Discussing Use of Rial in Trade With Russia, Iraq, Afghanistan

TEHRAN (Sputnik) - The Central Bank of Iran is working on a scheme that will allow it to use the national currency in financial exchanges with Russia, Iraq and Afghanistan, the regulator's deputy governor, Mohsen Karimi, said on Monday. 

How to save money on buying products that other shoppers return

The National Retail Federation estimates $743 billion worth of merchandise was returned last year. Buyers and sellers can't wait to get their hands on the products at bin stores, where the rejected items of others get a second lease on life, for a fraction of the price.