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Новости за 23.05.2024 

I Just Learned The Unexpected Body Part Teeth May Have Evolved From, And I'm Horrified

Beautiful smile with white teeth

Teeth are one of those things that you really shouldn’t think about for too long ― the more you do, the odder they seem. 

Though they’re made from the toughest substance in our body, they can be worn down by the odd chocolate bar.

And they require so much upkeep (did you know people with wombs tend to have more acidic saliva, making dental maintenance a little harder?)

According to most health insurance companies, teeth are luxury bones that I must pay more to continue enjoying

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Europe’s ‘dark universe’ telescope shares first scientific data and new cosmic images

A space mission exploring the “dark universe” has released its first scientific data — and five new extraterrestrial snapshots. Captured by the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Euclid telescope, the observations paint a never-before-seen picture of the cosmos. They also offer new insights into the properties of celestial bodies. The images are at least four times sharper than any taken from ground-based telescopes, according to ESA. They depict five diverse space objects: The Abell 2764 region of galaxies... Читать дальше...

EPLIndex | Premier League stats & Blog 

Premier League’s Best and Worst Supported Clubs Revealed

West Ham Fans Prove Their Loyalty: Leading the Premier League in Stadium Attendance West Ham’s Unmatched Support In the 2023/24 Premier League season, West Ham United fans showcased exceptional loyalty by filling the London Stadium to a remarkable 99.9% capacity. This impressive feat underscores the unwavering support of the Hammers’ fanbase, making them the best-supported […]

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