News in English

Новости за 23.05.2024 

Data maturity challenges for the Scottish transport network

Other News Sources - The reality of open data often falls short of what is promised, and as it looks to implement the practice across its functions, Scotlands transport network is finding there are a multitude of hurdles to clear. Consultants from Zhlke have been working with the networks leaders to address siloes and have identified three key fronts on which improvement is needed. 

Rail plans for North and Midlands questioned

Transportxtra - The NIC review includes new analysis on the railway network in the North and Midlands in light of the decision last autumn to cancel work on High Speed 2 north of Birmingham. 

Level boarding fuels Southeasterns new trains plan

Rail Magazine - Southeastern is inviting five train manufacturers to negotiate to replace as soon as possible the operators 30-year-old Networker fleet that run metro services in London. 

Dispute over Southampton plans for bus lanes

Other Regional Press - Questions have been raised over the prospect of bus lanes being introduced on one of the main routes into Southampton city centre.