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Новости за 27.05.2024 (en) 

Survey: Coalition's fiscal policy decisions largely unpopular with the public

In the survey, commissioned by conservative think tank the Institute of Societal Studies (MTÜ Ühiskonnauuringute Instituut) and conducted by pollsters Norstat, respondents were asked to evaluate the most important decisions on taxes and expenditures made by the current Reform-SDE-Eesti 200 government, in office since April 2023. 

Can AAP and Congress grab LS seats from BJP in Delhi?

Madhavan Narayanan, a Senior Journalist, discusses the election dynamics . He says for 2014 election was a lot about strong leadership and attempted end to corruption. 2019 was Pulwama and some of the national security issues, along with a certain benefit of doubt given to Mr Modi for his decisive personality. Now, those factors are absent. Instead, we have the electoral bonds verdict, inflation and unemployment in varying degrees

Sputnik International 

IDF Eliminated Head of Hamas Headquarters in West Bank - Statement

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Monday that it had eliminated the head of Palestinian movement Hamas in the West Bank, Yassin Rabia, as well as another senior official, in an airstrike in the northwestern part of the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip.