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Новости за 17.06.2024


You can’t trust your eyes: A real photo just won an AI contest

What’s reality, anyway?

Last year, I predicted that artificial intelligence would end reality as we know it in the span of a decade. I was very wrong about the timing. While it took about 47,000 years and Marcel Duchamp’s upside-down urinal to kill art, it took AI only two years to kill reality itself.


A new ‘no buy’ movement is teaching people how to kick their shopping habit

A practical guide how to stop buying clothes.

Six years ago, Lauren Fay decided to stop buying new clothes for a full year. At the time, this seemed like a radical thing to do; but she was an early member of a growing movement devoted to drastically reducing our clothing consumption.

Back then, Fay was partly motivated to save money. She’s just left a high-paying job in finance for a more meaningful career in the non-profit sector. But she had also become more conscious about how... Читать дальше...

The Wall Street Journal 

Biden's Secret Weapon Against Trump: Older Voters

Senior citizens, long a reliable voting bloc for Republicans, are showing signs of turning into an election-year swing group, potentially giving President Biden an unlikely boost.

Las Vegas Sun ( 

What 1980 Miami can teach us about immigration today

This month, 44 years ago, President Jimmy Carter officially established the Cuban-Haitian Entrant Program. The program helped manage the massive influx of the 125,000 Cuban immigrants who took part in the Mariel boatlift and the 25,000 Haitians who arrived ...

Las Vegas Sun ( 

Freedom’s just another word for not paying taxes

After Donald Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts, the Heritage Foundation — a right-wing think tank that has, among other things, produced the Project 2025 agenda, a blueprint for policy if Trump wins — flew an upside-down American flag, which has become ...

Las Vegas Sun ( 

Boys need the HPV cancer vaccine as much as girls

The narrative around HPV vaccinations has typically centered on their ability to prevent cervical cancer in women. But a new study, presented this month at a major cancer meeting, reinforces the notion that these shots directly benefit ...

Las Vegas Sun ( 

People on the Move: June 17, 2024

In the Notes: Henderson’s Department of Economic Development, Jared Smith, Kevin Murray, Jason Worthen, Debra Spinelli, Jordan Smith, Adam Bult and more ... 

New Biden campaign ad targets ‘convicted criminal’ Trump

The Biden campaign on Monday launched a battleground state ad that lambasts former President Trump as a “convicted criminal,” highlighting his numerous legal problems and his recent felony conviction in New York. The ad, titled “Character Matters,” will run on general market television across battleground states and on national cable. It is part of a...

Technology Review  

The cost of building the perfect wave

For nearly as long as surfing has existed, surfers have been obsessed with the search for the perfect wave. It’s not just a question of size, but also of shape, surface conditions, and duration—ideally in a beautiful natural environment.  While this hunt has taken surfers from tropical coastlines reachable only by boat to swells breaking off…