On June 19, 2024, the film ‘Guns & Moses’, directed by Salvador Litvak, premiered to a full house at the Saban Theatre, in Beverly Hills California. The Los Angeles, Jewish Film Festival (LAJFF) is back in full force, this year with the theme “Fighting Anti-Semitism One Film at a Time.” First and foremost, I strongly […]
Sandra Bernhard is apologizing to Morgan Fairchild for not being nice to her on the set of Roseanne. In a new interview, Bernhard admitted she didn’t have a good relationship with her co-star due to her “snotty attitude” and offered an apology. “It’s one of my biggest regrets that I wasn’t nicer to her,” Bernhard […]
Whether you love or loathe flying, most of us are pretty shaken when we experience turbulence. However, one cabin crew member has shared her tips to combat it.
Former President Donald Trump suggested in a podcast that non-citizens in the U.S. should "automatically" get green cards when graduating college.
One week after lightning delayed the finish of their season opener, it rained, then it poured on the Ottawa Redblacks on Thursday night in Montreal. In showing they still have a long way to go before they can be considered an East Division threat, the Redblacks were soaked 47-21 by the Alouettes at Percival Molson […]
On a night that honored the Negro leagues and Mays, who died on Tuesday, a baseball game between the Giants and the Cardinals was almost beside the point.