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Новости за 25.06.2024

Elite Prospects 

David Geay (D) from Annecy

Date: 06/25/2024
Player: David Geay (D)
From: Annecy
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Elite Prospects 

Kasper Elo (F) from Nice

Date: 06/25/2024
Player: Kasper Elo (F)
From: Nice
Source: You need a free account to view Transfer URL Sign In/Up 

Are Patients With Cancer Best Managed in a Clinical Trial

This Viewpoint analyzes how the NCCN’s boxed statement that all cancer is best managed in a clinical trial cannot be applied to all patients and calls for its removal from its clinical practice guidelines. 

Study Participants, Future Patients, and Outcomes That Matter in Cancer Clinical Trials

Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) define the efficacy of new cancer treatments and drive changes in clinical practice. Although the role of RCTs in generating knowledge is universally accepted, the often-cited benefits of trial participation for individual patients is open for debate. The trial effect is composed of potential gains offered by the new treatment (ie, the treatment effect) and potential gains offered by virtue of participating in the trial itself (ie, the participation effect). Gains... Читать дальше... 

Evidence Against Use of Nitrogen for the Death Penalty

This Viewpoint discusses the recent use of forced nitrogen inhalation as capital punishment in Alabama and describes the body of evidence indicating that forced nitrogen inhalation is an inhumane practice. 

Review: Chronic Pruritus

This narrative review summarizes current evidence regarding diagnosis and treatment of chronic pruritus. 

Mimesis: Poetry and Imitating Medicine

Mimesis in poetry is the imitation or re-creation of reality using art. Thinkers ranging from Aristotle to Adorno have wondered at this human capacity to symbolize, and how it helps us make our own sense of, and express to others, both our external and internal worlds. In the poem “Needlework at the Hospital,” poetic mimesis is at work on several levels. The structure of the poem’s lines, with their alternating indentations and “in and out” sense of movement, imitates the crocheting that is the patient’s... Читать дальше... 

Needlework at the Hospital

This is the beginning of something for yourself for once, a summer afghan,      a simple little throw for meditation, 

Benefit of RAS Blockade in Heart Failure by Race

This meta-analysis assesses whether Black patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction respond differently than patients of other races to renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blockade by examining individual patient data from randomized clinical trials. 

The Clinic Visit

In this narrative medicine essay, a surgical oncologist reflects on his 30-year practice and the care he receives for his leukemia, understanding how vital the relationships and discourse with the care team are for his recovery. 

Long-Term Outcomes From Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance

This prospective, multicenter cohort study evaluates the long-term outcomes of men diagnosed with favorable-risk prostate cancer managed with protocol-directed active surveillance, including regular biopsies and prostate-specific antigen screening, from 2008 to 2022. 

Pediatric Phoenix Sepsis Score Challenges—Reply

In Reply Ms Msefula and colleagues raise an important point regarding inclusion of tests and therapies in the Phoenix Sepsis Score that, based on the global survey performed by the Pediatric Sepsis Definition Task Force, may not be universally available. Msefula and colleagues have an associated concern that lack of these tests and therapies may lead to an underestimation of sepsis prevalence in lower-resource settings, substantiated by the prevalence rates we reported in lower- vs higher-resource settings (5.4%... Читать дальше... 

Pediatric Phoenix Sepsis Score Challenges

To the Editor We think the Phoenix Sepsis Score is an important achievement as a pediatric sepsis definition, which considers the performance and application of the score in lower-resource settings. The score was developed in response to clinician survey results that emphasized that the updated score should address issues concerning inconsistent availability of diagnostic tools. Additionally, the authors developed the score for benchmarking, epidemiology, and research purposes.