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Новости за 27.06.2024

Sputnik International 

Talking in Circles

Despite confirming that he has had no dialogue with the Russian president in recent months, Macron appears to have changed his tune yet again regarding diplomatic relations with Moscow. 

The Noose of Mars in 2022

Photographer: Paolo Bardelli Summary Author: Paolo Bardelli Whenever the opposition of Mars occurs, it's interesting to follow its looping path in the sky relative to the stars. The approach of the Earth to the Red Planet and its progressive distancing,... 

Julian Assange Is Free!

“I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.” ~ Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) It wasn’t until 1969 that the Supreme Court’s modern First Amendment jurisprudence made it clear that whenever there is a clash between the government and a person over the constitutionality of the person’s speech, the courts will give every benefit and draw every … Continue reading "Julian Assange Is Free!"

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Financial Times 

How private equity shapes the UK

Plus, the M&A market’s budding comeback and ad group WPP turns down KKR’s takeover bid for its PR unit FGS Global