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Новости за 28.06.2024 (sports) 

Youth highlights USA Select roster in advance of Olympics

(Photo credit: Cary Edmondson-USA TODAY Sports) Youth will be served on the USA Select Team roster, with the collection of the NBA's future stars set to challenge the U.S. Olympic men's team that is headed to Paris for the Summer Olympics. Three members of the NBA All-Rookie first team will be on the USA Select roster: Jaime Jaquez Jr. of the Miami Heat, Brandon Miller of the Charlotte Hornets and Bradin Podziemski of th 

I’m a professional pet expert & I have a 3 step plan to keep your dog well behaved & key point owners should remember

WE all know someone who got a dog in lockdown.

They may well be man’s best friend — at the last count there were 12million pooches living in UK households.

instagram/leontowersthedogsvoiceWe share Leon Towers’s top tips for getting your dog’s behaviour on track from his new book[/caption]

But parks are now full of bonkers, barking mutts whose owners are struggling to cope.

Canine behaviourist, nutritionist and hydrotherapist Leon Towers has 12 years’ experience... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Keshi Anderson

Same, will be a good asset at this level

Eesti Elu 

Tartu Rahvaülikooli segakoor Toronto Peetri kirikus VIDEO

Toronto Peetri kirikus esines neljapäeva õhtul Tartu Rahvaülikooli segakoor dirigent Lauri Breede juhatamisel. Laulis 39 lauljat, esitusele tuli lemmikviisid laulupidude repertuaaridest. Tartu Rahvaülikooli segakoor tegutseb 2008. aastast. Koori nimekirjas oli algselt 160 lauljat, laulupeole registreerus neist 112. Koor jäi väiksemas koosseisus kokku ka peale üldlaulupidu ning endiselt harjutatakse koos Tartu Rahvaülikooli saalis. Et laulupeod ei ole igal aastal, siis loob koor ise oma laulupeod ja laulavad ikka. Читать дальше...