News in English

Новости за 25.07.2024

Splice Today 

Limitless Solidarity

The film Israelism was completed before the present war in Gaza, with its horrific death toll, had begun. Nevertheless it’s an important film. It’s being shown at the student encampments across the United States and the world, many of which are being led by people with similar life stories to the ones in this film.

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Sydney Morning Herald 

Roosters penalised as flyer denied

Isabelle Kelly was put on report after collecting Shanice Parker high as she went close to scoring in the corner.

Making the Arsenal 

On this day Saliba signed, Arsenal were saved (and 11 years later made their first profit)

Today’s headline relates to 1910 (when Henry Norris saved Arsenal from liquidation), 1921 (when Arsenal made its first profit and  2019 (Saliba signed). 25 July 1883: Joseph Lievesley born.  He played in goal for Poolsbrook United, and Sheffield United and was the unfortunate keeper to be in goal in an FA Cup …

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