News in English

Новости за 07.08.2024

«The Rio Times» 

A Rough Patch for Angola’s Diamonds: Prices Tumble in 2024

Angola’s diamond industry faced unexpected challenges as prices dropped dramatically in the first half of 2024. By August, the Empresa Nacional de Diamantes de Angola (ENDIAMA) reported a decline of 30% to 55% from expected values. This downturn has significant implications for the national economy and the global diamond market. During a recent workshop, Laureano […]

Digital Trends 

You Asked: Is the Theater Quad worth an upgrade?

On today’s episode of You Asked: Is it worth upgrading to Sony’s Bravia Theater Quad if you have the HT-A9? And how much has OLED improved in the last 8 years? 

Bank allies say FDIC brokered deposit plan reflects outdated thinking

Industry experts argue that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.'s recent brokered deposit proposal, which would expand the classification of brokered deposits and reverse key elements of a 2020 rule, reflects outdated thinking and may discourage banks from holding such deposits.

Eurasia Review 

Farms Of All Sizes Feed The World – OpEd

We live in a world where oligarchs accumulate land, use their media assets to denigrate natural foods, and invest in fake alternatives. On the other ‘side,’ wealthy professionals calling themselves freedom fighters travel the world and the internet insisting we should eat organic and local.

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Digital Trends 

Watch NFL Preseason Games 2024: Full streaming schedule

The NFL is back. Preseason football may not be the most meaningful action on the planet, but it offers fans an opportunity to see rookies in live-game action for the first time, as well as players battling for final roster spots and some early glimpses of upcoming breakout seasons. Most preseason games will be televised […]

«Gazette Times» ( 

Jim Harbaugh sanctioned by NCAA in Michigan recruiting probe

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Former Michigan football head coach Jim Harbaugh has been punished by the NCAA with a four-year show-cause order and a one-year suspension for violating head-coach responsibility obligations, “unethical conduct” and a failure to promote “an atmosphere…

Eesti Elu 

Eesti tööstusettevõtete toodangu maht endiselt langustrendil

Eesti Statistikaameti andmetel kahanes 2024. aasta juunis tööstustoodangu maht võrreldes mulluse juuniga 3%. Tööstuse kolmest sektorist kasvas toodang energeetikas 4%, vähenes aga mäetööstuses 19,7% ja töötlevas tööstuses 2,3%. Tööstus on suurim majandussektor ja majanduskasvu oluline vedaja. Tööstustoodangu indeks hõlmab kolme valdkonna ehk mäetööstuse, energeetika ja töötleva tööstuse majandusnäitajaid.