News in English

Новости за 30.09.2024


Eat, Pray, Pollute: On The Needed Death of Tourism

A crowd of 3,000 anti-tourism protesters descended on posh downtown Barcelona last July, their demeanor one of delighted malice.  They cordoned off hotels and eateries with hazard tape, as if demarcating a crime scene. They sprayed with water guns the blithe holidaymakers seated in restaurants.  Video footage showed unhappy couples and glowering young men chased from their seats by the mob, stunned at the indignity.

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«The Local» ( 

Today in Germany: A roundup of the latest news on Monday

Doctors fear practices could be overwhelmed by flu patients, a wave of resignations continues among the Green party's youth arm, some of Germany's road bridges are in questionable condition and more news on Monday.


Netanyahu – “Nothing Can Stop Us” – Not Even the Majority of Israelis

Israel’s Biden-backed war machine is once again bearing down on defenseless Lebanese people. Hostilities on the Israeli/Lebanon border have been occurring since the establishment of Israel and the dispossession of Palestinians and their land in 1948. But last week’s war-crime-laden escalation by Netanyahu stunned the world. It started with bombings followed by the simultaneous booby-trapped More

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Venus Remedies get market authorisations for two cancer drugs from Morocco, Philippines

Venus Remedies Ltd has received marketing authorisations for two key oncology drugs, carboplatin and bortezomib, from Morocco and the Philippines. These approvals are part of the company's strategy to expand its oncology range and meet the growing global demand for cancer treatments, strengthening its position in Southeast Asia and Africa.

«The Times of India» ( 

Gaming Zones: A new thrill for young Kanpurites

Kanpur's young adults and professionals are turning to hi-tech gaming zones and trampoline centres for entertainment and stress relief. These venues, initially aimed at children, now attract a broader audience with immersive virtual reality experiences. Companies are also leveraging these spaces for team bonding activities, helping employees relax and recharge.