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Новости за 29.11.2024

Rock Paper Shotgun 

The next game from the Lies Of P studio sounds like it might just fill a Dead Space shaped hole in my heart

Seeing great games sell too poorly for the pursestring goblins to shell out for a sequel is always a heartache, but it really stung to learn that the incredible Dead Space remake didn’t catch on enough for EA to greenlight a remake of Dead Space 2 (even if EA were a little spotty on the details). Doubly so in the wake of The Callisto Protocol - a game I still think is worth picking up on a deep discount, if you like hitting gross things with a big bit of metal. It’s quite exciting, then, to learn... Читать дальше...

Sky News 

Man eats £4.9m banana

A cryptocurrency entrepreneur has kept his promise and eaten a banana he bought for $6.2m (£4.9m).

Eesti Elu 

Eesti majandus on langenud juba 10 kvartalit järjest

Eesti Statistikaameti andmetel vähenes sisemajanduse koguprodukt (SKP) 2024. aasta kolmandas kvartalis võrreldes eelmise aasta sama perioodiga 0,7%. Majandus on olnud languses juba 10 kvartalit järjest. Jooksevhindades moodustas SKP lõppenud kvartalis 10 miljardit eurot. 

24 European Film & TV Markets Launch F.A.M.E. Alliance

A group of 24 European film and TV markets are uniting under the banner of the F.A.M.E. (Film and Audiovisual Markets in Europe) Alliance to promote and bolster the role they play in Europe’s audiovisual sector. The alliance has been born out of a series of three think tank meetings in 2023 on the future […]