News in English

Новости за 24.12.2024 

Is the universe a fractal?

For decades, cosmologists have wondered if the large-scale structure of the universe is a fractal: if it looks the same no matter the scale. And the answer is: no, not really. But in some ways, yes. Look, it's complicated.

Paper Blog 

Just Cleared Out The Attic? Here's 3 Things To Do Next

Having an attic clear out usually leaves you with a lot of mess to sort through. You’ve moved it all from the attic, you’ve thrown a good bit of it away, but now what? How do you make the most of the attic space you’re left with? It’s a quandary many people find themselves in!

After all, a decluttered home is a comfortable and relaxing one, but without the attic actually being in use in some way or another, you can be run out of the house with everything you need to sort out. As such, if... Читать дальше...

Team Ponty 

Nadolig Llawen / Merry Christmas from Pontypridd RFC

Recognising that, on the 25th December, much of the world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ is unlikely to win one, a point on the television programme, ‘Mastermind’. Knowing that it was the Romans who taught us how to party in December, through their festival of ‘Saturnalia’ or, that it was the Victorians through their … Continued

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