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Whoopi Goldberg melts down over Trump warning about 'anti-white feeling' in America


(SLAY NEWS) – Whoopi Goldberg suffered a meltdown while responding to comments from President Donald Trump on ABC’s “The View.” During the controversial propaganda show, which frequently gives airtime to public expressions of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), Goldberg declared that she was “enraged” by a statement made by the 45th president. She was responding to…

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Whoopi Goldberg

(SLAY NEWS) – Whoopi Goldberg suffered a meltdown while responding to comments from President Donald Trump on ABC’s “The View.”

During the controversial propaganda show, which frequently gives airtime to public expressions of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), Goldberg declared that she was “enraged” by a statement made by the 45th president. She was responding to Trump asserting that “There is a definite anti-white feeling in the country right now.”

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Clearly overwhelmed with hate-fueled rage, Goldberg glared angrily into the camera and declared: “This is my favorite, and I’m gonna tell you before I say it that it enraged me.”

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