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Don’t subsidize horse racing with public money | READER COMMENTARY

Don’t subsidize horse racing with public money | READER COMMENTARY

Maryland's planned investment in Pimlico and thoroughbred racing is not justified by the circumstances.

I am writing to express my strong opposition to Maryland’s planned takeover of thoroughbred racing (“Maryland horse racing granted ‘last chance’ to thrive at restored Pimlico with last-minute General Assembly vote,” April 11). It is my firm belief that such a move would be both reckless and unnecessary, burdening Maryland taxpayers with the responsibility for an industry that the private sector has struggled to sustain.

Thoroughbred racing, while a cherished tradition in Maryland, is an industry that has faced its share of challenges in recent years. However, the solution to these challenges is not to shift the burden onto taxpayers. If the private sector cannot make it work, why should Maryland residents be forced to foot the bill?

Furthermore, I am deeply concerned about the motives behind this initiative. Who are the vested interests driving this push to take over thoroughbred racing? It seems clear that there are powerful forces at play, but their motivations remain opaque. Maryland taxpayers deserve transparency and accountability from their elected officials, especially when it comes to matters that directly impact their finances.

Moreover, Maryland has other pressing issues that require attention and resources. While thoroughbred racing is undoubtedly important to many, it cannot be allowed to overshadow more critical priorities such as education, healthcare and infrastructure.

Additionally, the expansion of sports betting in Maryland should not be the primary focus. While it may generate revenue, it should not come at the expense of other vital services. There are far more pressing matters that demand our attention and resources.

Thoroughbred racing may be a beloved pastime, but it should not be subsidized by public funds. Let’s prioritize the needs of Maryland residents and ensure that their tax dollars are used wisely and responsibly.

— Hampton E. Brown III, Fulton

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