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Missouri Governor Signs Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

Missouri Governor Signs Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

Missouri Governor Mike Parson signed a bill today that will defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business. The new law would defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business and other companies in the state that kill babies in abortions. Abortion businesses in Missouri can no longer receive Medicaid funding thanks to a bill signed by Gov. Mike […]

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Missouri Governor Mike Parson signed a bill today that will defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

The new law would defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business and other companies in the state that kill babies in abortions.

Abortion businesses in Missouri can no longer receive Medicaid funding thanks to a bill signed by Gov. Mike Parson today. HB 2634 passed by large margins in the House and the Senate following the release of a video where Planned Parenthood was allegedly caught attempting to traffick a child out of state.

Although Missouri is one of the pro-life states where babies are protected, state tax dollars still go to the abortion giant. And that’s a problem given a recent expose’ showing Planned Parenthood is trafficking teen girls across state lines for secret abortions without their parents even knowing.

Susan Klein, Executive Director of Missouri Right to Life, told she is elated by the news

Prior to 2020, Missouri restricted family planning funds to abortion providers through the budget process. In 2020, Planned Parenthood and others filed suit against that defunding process and the Missouri Supreme Court agreed that it was unconstitutional but also stated that the defunding could be done by placing the pro-life protective language in statute. Since then, the legislature has attempted to use different language in the budget which has all been found unconstitutional. This year, HB 2634 contained pro-life language to be placed in statute.

In December, Project Veritas filmed Planned Parenthood employees stating that they would take minor girls across state lines for abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent. In February, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed suit against Planned Parenthood for violations of Missouri laws.

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In their just released 2022-2023 annual report, Planned Parenthood reported total income of over 2 billion dollars. For the year the annual report covers, Planned Parenthood performed 392,715 abortions, or about 4 in 10 abortions, and abortions outnumbered prenatal care 62 to 1. In addition, Planned Parenthood boosted its abortion numbers by facilitating “transportation and travel support, financial assistance, and referrals.”

Pro-life Missourians are grateful to House Sponsor, Representative Cody Smith and Senate Handler, Senator Mary Elizabeth Coleman and the Missouri legislators who voted for protecting our firmly held beliefs in the sanctity of human life and prohibiting our tax-dollars from subsidizing the destruction of innocent unborn babies.

Sue Liebel, midwest regional director for SBA Pro-Life America, shared her reaction:

“We applaud Gov. Parson and Republicans for standing up for the rights of girls and parents against the predatory abortion industry. Parents have the right to have a say in their daughters’ lives and to protect them from the abusers and sex traffickers Planned Parenthood allegedly enables. We must continue to fight for parents as Planned Parenthood attempts to put an abortion measure on the ballot to wipe parental consent off the books and remove health and safety regulations that protect women and girls.”

As LifeNews previously reported in February, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood after an expose’ video showed officials discussing how they take teen girls out of state for secret abortions.

Project Veritas conducted an investigation just before Christmas this past year in which a journalist entered a Kansas City, Mo. clinic asking how to get an  abortion for a 13-year-old. The male reporter was met with certainty and confidence from the staff that although the procedure is illegal in Missouri, the minor could be sent to Kansas for the procedure, and no one would need to know. This not only includes parents, but staff at the school.

“We can give a doctor’s note,” said the Planned Parenthood managing director known only by her first name, LeShauna, “We just cut off the letterhead.”

The undercover reporter asked the managing director how often they send minors into neighboring Kansas for the procedure.

“Every day,” she said, and repeated, “every day.”

In his announcement video, published by Project Veritas, the AG credited Project Veritas’s investigation as the impetus for today’s legal assault against America’s largest abortion provider.

“Today, I’m proud to announce that the state of Missouri is moving forward with a lawsuit to permanently drive Planned Parenthood from the state of Missouri,” he said. “We’re seeking a court order enjoining Planned Parenthood from concealing sexual offenses committed against minors, and for conspiring to transport minors across state lines for abortions in violation of state statute.”

“What is contained in the investigative video produced by Project Veritas is deplorable. Planned Parenthood by state statute is a mandatory reporter for any sexual offenses against children. And yet in the video, an agent of Planned Parenthood is committed to concealing the fact that a 13-year-old who cannot legally consent to sexual conduct has experienced sexual abuse. This should disgust anyone concerned about the health and safety of women and children in the state of Missouri,” said Attorney General Bailey.

The Missouri Attorney General credited Project Veritas with uncovering evidence of Planned Parenthood’s criminal activity.

Bailey stated, “This lawsuit is a direct result of the investigation conducted by Project Veritas in November of 2023 that uncovered an agent of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Kansas City, brazenly committed to past, present, and future violations of this state’s laws regarding proper parental consent notification, a conspiracy to traffic women out of state for abortions, and a conspiracy to conceal the sexual exploitation of children.”

The lawsui seeks a court order enjoining Planned Parenthood from concealing sexual offenses committed against minors, and for conspiring to transport minors across state lines for abortions in violation of state statute. Bailey also called upon state policymakers to use the tools necessary to permanently defund Planned Parenthood. As part of the lawsuit the AG’s office will be conducting its own investigation. Planned Parenthood could be facing administrative, civil, and criminal penalties.

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