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'We warned him': Rudy Giuliani's radio show canceled for election disinformation

Former President Donald Trump's close ally Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from the radio station WABC, and his show canceled, over election disinformation.

According to The New York Times, "John Catsimatidis, the billionaire who is a major Republican donor and owns the station, said he had made the decision after Mr. Giuliani refused to comply with the policy related to the election after repeated warnings. 'We’re not going to talk about fallacies of the November 2020 election,' Mr. Catsimatidis said in a brief phone interview. 'We warned him once. We warned him twice. And I get a text from him last night, and I get a text from him this morning that he refuses not to talk about it. So he left me no option. I suspended him.”

Giuliani, he added, had to be physically cut off by station employees on Thursday when he tried to discuss the 2020 election. “Look, I like the guy as a person, but you can’t do that. You can’t cross the line,” he said. “My view is that nobody really knows but we had made a company policy. It’s over, life goes on."

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A former federal prosecutor and mayor of New York City, Giuliani has become known in recent years for his conspiracy theories that the 2020 election was stolen.

He has faced a number of lawsuits for his false claims about the election, and for defaming a pair of Atlanta election workers to the tune of $148 million, as well as criminal charges in Georgia and Arizona. The legal fees have taken their toll on him as he has found himself in dire financial straits.

Giuliani, who recently declared bankrupcty and was dropped as a client by his accountant, has stated in recent filings in bankrupcty court that the radio show was one of his only significant sources of income, alongside Social Security benefits and the money he makes from his podcast.

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