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I’m a vet tech and love a controversial dog breed, especially the squishy ones – but there are 8 types I’d never own

A CANINE expert has shared the breeds they would never own as well as a controversial one they love.

The vet tech named the eight kinds of dogs they recommend against having in your home.

A vet tech shared their expertise on a variety of dog breeds (stock photo)[/caption]
The Redditor advised potential pet owners to avoid French bulldogs due to their health issues (stock photo)

Commenting on a Reddit post, user Thekaiserkeller discussed the pets they would opt for and the ones they would avoid.

The veterinary expert explained that they have an unexpected favorite breed.

They described a variety of breeds as having “wonderful personalities.”

This list included golden retrievers, Papillons, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

“Pitties are good too, especially small squishy ones,” the original poster wrote.

Pitbulls are considered controversial due to their sometimes aggressive nature towards other dogs and humans.

However, experts at Pet Helpful explained that the breed can be “a reliable and loyal companion” when properly trained.

The dog expert also named the breeds they would never own.

The first kind named was a pug, a popular breed with a variety of health conditions.

PetMD shared some of the most common issues associated with the breed.

“Pugs are prone to many health issues. Most are related to their brachycephalic conformation,” they explained.

The experts listed overheating, respiratory issues, allergies, ear infections, dental disease, eye injuries, and hip conditions as some of the common problems with pugs.

Similarly French bulldogs, also included on the vet tech’s no-go list, face a variety of issues.

As well as being prone to the conditions facing pugs PetMD named some other issues that occur in Frenchies, including sensitive skin, birthing issues, back injuries, cataracts, and eye problems.

The original poster also advised against owning a Boston Terrier, another breed prone to a wide variety of health issues.

Signs your dog could turn dangerous

Expert advice from Dr. Sara Ochoa, who has been practicing veterinary medicine for over five years.

Ochoa told The U.S. Sun observing a dog’s behavior can provide clues that they might act out.

“A dog that looks tense all over with its fur sticking up or teeth showing is more likely to snap,” she said.

“Staring real hard without blinking could mean trouble too.

“Growling is also a warning the dog is getting mad.”

She said dogs may tuck their tail between their legs when they feel scared or threatened.

“Staying calm and keeping space may help things not to escalate if a dog seems on edge,” she said. 

The experts at PDSA broke down some of the problems facing the popular terrier.

They face issues with their kneecaps, airway abnormalities, birthing problems, hypersensitivity to allergens, hormonal disorders, and dry eyes.

Labradors, another classic breed named by the vet tech, are also known to have health conditions.

Pet experts at Purina revealed that these issues may include hip and elbow dysplasia, arthritis, and hypothyroidism.

Canine experts have recorded a variety of health conditions in the Labrador breed, including weight issues (stock photo)
A lack of genetic understanding among doodle mixes has led to health concerns for the breeds (stock photo)

The Reddit users also named “any type of doodle” as a no-go furry friend.

Dog experts spoke to Medium about how mixed breeds can be unpredictable when it comes to health issues.

“When mixed with the Poodle, a breed that also comes with their own genetic predispositions, it is nearly impossible to predict their offsprings’ health,” they explained.

They also named “little white dogs” which may include Maltese and Bichon Frise breeds, as a kind to avoid.

The small canines are known to suffer from eye conditions as well as digestive disorders, according to the ASPCA.

Finally, huskies and German Shepherds were listed by the vet tech as breeds to avoid.

Both canine types are prone to a variety of issues, including food allergens and epilepsy, reports Alpha Paw.

The vet tech revealed that they would avoid owning a husky due to their health issues (stock photo)[/caption]
German Shepherds are prone to a variety of health issues including food allergens an epilepsy (stock photo)

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