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Hundreds clash with police over expansion of Tesla gigafactory


(DW) – Activists holding a press conference over the expansion of Tesla's electric car factory on Saturday complained of betrayal by regional politicians and said civil disobedience was necessary. At least 1,000 activists participated in the protests, according to police. Their comments came as authorities readied for a repeat of violent clashes between police and…

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Activists class with police at Berlin Tesla gigafactory (video screenshot)

Activists class with police at Berlin Tesla gigafactory

(DW) – Activists holding a press conference over the expansion of Tesla's electric car factory on Saturday complained of betrayal by regional politicians and said civil disobedience was necessary.

At least 1,000 activists participated in the protests, according to police. Their comments came as authorities readied for a repeat of violent clashes between police and demonstrators the previous day.

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A police spokesperson said that the march on Saturday largely proceeded peacefully. Police said that there had been minor clashes with activists, but did not initially provide any information on injuries or arrests.

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