News in English

Huddersfield Giants • "I didn't see that coming"

Stange Ian, because i did. Last year sides threw the ball out wide to undo us due to our lack of pace on the wings. This year, they use their quick men in the middle because you have recruited the slowest spine in superleague. It is no coincidence that French and Field had their best games of the season against us, the specae they had in the middle of the park was ridiculous. You thought that signing Connor and Milner, and using Golding as acting half was good enough. It isn't. Connor is a terrible signing for us, i don't care how many times he plays a wonder pass or does something special. He needs quick players to cover for him because he is waaaaay too slow, and we don't have them. Better coaches have realised this and told their quick men to go at us from dummy half and first receiver in the middle of the park, and it works.

I will keep saying it, although noone on our boards seems to care, but maybe someone is reading. Watson has wasted the money he has been given to recruit and has built a totally imbalanced side. We have no recognised support player in the side, usually that is your fullback but ours is half an hour too slow, so we should have recruited a fast pacey half back or hooker who can support, but we didn't. Never mind we have blown our budget for next year on Tom Burgess, just what we need to sort out our pace problems! We look decent moving the ball and can play decent Rugby when we get it to Marsters and Swift but all good sides know our achillees heel, which is in the middle of the field and will exploit it ruthlessly.

When we make a break, we don't finish it because we don't have the pace (English's break in this game is a great example). When other sides make a break in the middle of the park we don't have the pace to stop the move and they score. French and field today were having a total field day knowing how slow connor is and that once they broke the line it was a try every time.

Having spent the joint 3rd most cap in the league and having a spine that has no pace and no recognised support player is beyond belief and yet Ken persists with wasting his money on supporting Watson.

Statistics: Posted by Hangerman2 — Sat May 11, 2024 6:24 pm — Replies 1 — Views 142

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