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Dutch Oven Sourdough Bread Recipe (Master Recipe)

Jump to Recipe· 5 from 10 reviewsThis Dutch oven sourdough bread recipe is perfect for beginners. Learn how to make a classic Dutch oven sourdough boule. This is my master recipe for Dutch oven sourdough bread, which means you can use this as a base recipe for any sourdough bread you want to make. Dutch Oven Sourdough Bread Master RecipeThis is my master recipe for Dutch oven sourdough bread. This is the recipe I use to develop all my other Dutch oven sourdough bread recipes with fillings incorporated.So think of it as a base recipe. If you would like to fold in herbs or more ingredients, you can! See the tips in the sections below.Here are the ingredients and things you need to get started:Sourdough Starter:We have an easy sourdough starter recipeHERE. You’ll need to start this seven days before baking or two days before if you use our quick recipe option!I feed my starter 100% rye flour or a 50/50 rye all-purpose mix.Flour:I use bread flour or unbleached all-purpose for my Dutch oven...

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