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People are just discovering a 7-second iPhone hack that makes doing laundry so much easier: ‘Life on easy mode’

LAUNDRY fans are just discovering an iPhone hack that makes garment care easy.

Many were shocked that Apple didn’t advertise the iPhone hack more openly.

A TikToker shared an iPhone hack that made laundry easier[/caption]

Charleene (@riseofcharlie) shared the laundry tip in a viral TikTok video.

“Did you guys know that your iPhone would tell you how to care for your clothes?” she said.

She took a photo of the garment tag inside of a shirt and then clicked the information button.

Once she did that, a laundry care tab popped up, breaking down each symbol and providing specialized instructions.

The entire process took her just seven seconds.

People were shocked by the simple and underrated tip.

“Why doesn’t Apple advertise these types of things? Thank you!” said one commenter.

“How freaking cool,” said another.

“Bruh, someone needs [to] make a video of all the things an iPhone can do because I learn [something] every day,” said a third.

“Life on easy mode,” said a fourth.

“How did you figure this out? I wouldn’t think to do this,” said a shocked viewer.

One viewer raved about the trick that simplified reading the small print on garment tags.

“I did not know this! Some of those tags are impossible to read as the print is so small or jumbled! Thank you,” they said.

While many didn’t think they would utilize the hidden feature, they agreed it was a nice option to have.

“That’s so cool but I’m still going to throw it into the washer, and maybe let it air dry,” said one commenter.

“I still won’t follow the instructions, though,” joked another.

“I just call my mom,” quipped a third.

Many hoped Apple upgrade the feature to accommodate other needs they had.

“Can it help me find a man?” joked one viewer.

“I wonder if my iPhone can find me a good-paying job!” said another.

Their iPhone scanned a photo they took for laundry care instructions[/caption]

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