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Woman Who Biden Put in Prison for Protesting Abortion Denied Heart Medication After Stroke

The Biden administration is under fire for selectively prosecuting pro-life advocates who protested abortion inside abortion centers while ignoring hundreds of pro-abortion attacks on churches, pro-life groups and pregnancy centers.

Heather Idoni is one of the dozen pro-life advocates who have been charged or convicted of violating the bogus FACE law that denies free speech rights to pro-life Americans. As LifeNews reported, the pro-life advocates have been found guilty of violating a federal law protecting abortion centers and now face the possibility of 11 years in prison.

That political persecution is bad enough, but recent reports indicated Idoni was placed in solitary confinement for 22 days for sharing food with fellow prisoners. After that, a second report indicated Idoni suffered a stroke as a result of the cruel and unusual punishment.

Now, a further update on her situation indicates Idoni has been denied the essential heart medication she needs. Here’s more about what happened when reporter Louis Knuffke interviewed Idoni.

Knuffke learned ” that she had had 3 stents placed above her heart two weeks ago and was told to take daily doses of heart medicine. However, prison officials have not given her a single dose, she told Knuffke, and DC Jail personnel have told her that their records say she has been given them every day.”

Idoni, who said she was suffering from fluttering of the heart, terminated the interview after saying she would request a trip to the hospital. Knuffke then called both Idoni’s lawyer and the emergency dispatch.

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“I ended up calling 911 to get a dispatch sent to the jail to make sure they didn’t ignore her,” Knuffke told this reporter. “Her lawyer said that if the doctor declares her condition was due to negligence in medical care, the marshals at the jail would be civilly liable.”

Idoni told Knuffke that she was frightened that she might die, as doctors told her not to miss a dose. Idoni, who is now a prisoner at DC Jail at 1901 D Street in Washington DC, suffered a stroke two weeks ago.

Sentencing hearings for nine pro-life advocates that Biden is attempting to put in prison for a decade are set to commence Tuesday.

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