News in English

Cameroon Rescues Hundreds from Boko Islamists

Cameroon Rescues Hundreds from Boko Islamists

Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

The armed forces of Cameroon have rescued over 300 people from the clutches of Boko Haram (Islamist terrorist group). This rescue mission took place in the north of the country. Hence, the border areas of Cameroon, Chad, and Nigeria.

Boko Haram emanates from Nigeria. However, like other Islamist groups, they spread to neighboring nations.

The military operation that killed many Boko Haram Islamists was called Operation Alpha.

Television stations in Cameroon show the armed forces taking rescued civilians to a military camp. Accordingly, the military camp is in the district of Dabanga – near the dangerous border area with Chad and Nigeria.

Approximately 200 Cameroon military troops performed Operation Alpha. The armed forces stipulated that the majority of rescued people were women and children.

Voice of America reports, “Cameroon’s military says it was assisted in assaults on some Boko Haram strongholds in border localities by government troops from Chad and Nigeria. Scores of militants were killed and several dozens wounded in the operation that lasted one week according to Cameroon officials. Cameroon says militants who surrendered are helping troops in investigations but gave no further details.”

The Sahel region and Lake Chad – including Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger (and nations already mentioned) – are blighted by Islamic insurgent groups.

The Jamestown Foundation (Jacob Zenn) reports, “Since Boko Haram’s kidnapping of more than 250 mostly Christian schoolgirls in April 2014, the group has become a household name. For several years during the last decade, Boko Haram was also the world’s “deadliest” terrorist group (Vanguard [Nigeria], May 29, 2014). In Boko Haram’s heartland in northeastern Nigeria, the group has, however, reached a stalemate with the Nigerian army…”

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