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Iranian police find 117 drug packs in smugglers’ stomachs


An Iranian border police commander reported that four Afghan smugglers, who had swallowed 117 packages of drugs, were arrested at the Taibad border headquarters in Razavi Khorasan Province.

According to Mohammad Mahmoudi, the drugs recovered from the smugglers’ stomachs included powdered heroin, opium, and methamphetamine.

The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) city Mahmoudi told reporters that another operation led to the discovery of two packages, weighing approximately 2 kilograms and 50 grams, suspected to be opium hidden in the side of a winter belt worn by one of the passengers.

The trafficking of drugs from Afghanistan, including heroin and opium, continues to pose a significant challenge.

Routes through neighboring countries like Iran and Pakistan are frequently used by traffickers aiming to reach lucrative markets in Europe and Asia.

This illicit trade not only fuels addiction problems worldwide but also contributes to regional instability and economic disruptions.

The international community has been actively involved in trying to reduce drug production and trafficking in Afghanistan, through both diplomatic and on-ground interventions.

These efforts include alternative crop programs for farmers and strengthening border controls. However, the persistent instability and the lucrative nature of the drug trade make these measures challenging to implement effectively.

The post Iranian police find 117 drug packs in smugglers’ stomachs appeared first on Khaama Press.

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