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Devon water contamination: ‘Cause’ of crisis that left hundreds struck down with ‘horrific’ diarrhoea bug ‘revealed’

THE possible cause of the cryptosporidium outbreak that’s contaminated drinking water in Devon has been revealed.

Anthony Mangnall MP, whose Totnes constituency includes impacted Brixham, said the chaos may have been sparked by a “damaged air valve”.

Neil Hope
A damaged air valve which allowed contaminated water into the local supply may be the cause of the cryptosporidium outbreak in South Devon, an MP says, as bottled water is given out to thousands of residents[/caption]
Neil Hope
Officials from South West Water told locals in Brixham on Thursday that the underground Hillhead reservoir, the possible source of the contamination, may have to be totally drained[/caption]
Parlaiment UK
Anthony Mangnall MP, whose Totnes constituency includes impacted Brixham, said the chaos may have been sparked by a ‘damaged air valve’[/caption]

This “may have allowed animal waste or contaminated groundwater to enter the local supply”, he said.

The Conservative wrote on Facebook: “I have just attended a meeting convened by the Secretary of State for Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)to receive an update from South West Water…

“And the UK Health Security Agency SWW believe they have located the source of the issue and initiated a fix…

“But are continuing their investigations and will be testing their network to ensure water is safe.”

Asked what the source of the problem was, he told a member of the public: “A damaged air valve in the Hillhead area, which may have allowed animal waste or contaminated ground water to enter the local supply.”

The UK Health Security Agency is investigating 22 cases of cryptosporidium in South Devon – with hundreds more feared ill.

It came after dozens of locals and holidaymakers reported experiencing grim symptoms like watery diarrhoea, stomach pains, nausea or vomiting, a mild fever, and loss of appetite.

On Wednesday, South West Water ordered locals across Brixham, Boohay, Kingswear, Roseland and North East Paignton to boil their tap water.

Those struck down by the parasite – which causes cryptosporidiosis – could be ill for a up to a month, an expert has warned.

Cryptosporidium is a parasite that can live in the intestines and faeces of infected humans and animals.

It can spread through swimming in or consuming contaminated water, but can also be passed on in food.

After the boil water order, emergency bottled water pick-up locations sprung up for locals to get hold of clean drinking water.

On Thursday, officials from South West Water said an underground reservoir believed to be the cause of the outbreak may have to be completely drained.

Locals living near the Hillhead Reservoir say they have been warned they will have to be switched onto alternative sources of water while the reservoir – which serves around 40,000 homes – is emptied

How to tell if you've picked up cryptosporidium - plus, steps to avoid it

HUNDREDS of people in Devon have been struck down by a parasite that infiltrated the water supply.

The bug, cryptosporidium, commonly known as ‘crypto,’ can infect the digestive systems of both animals and people.

Most people recover, but some can become seriously ill, such as very young children and those with particularly weak immune systems.

What are the symptoms?

  • Profuse watery diarrhoea
  • Stomach pains
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Low-grade fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dehydration
  • Weight loss

Symptoms usually last about two weeks but can be longer, especially in people with weak immune systems.

During the illness, you might think you are getting better and have shaken off the infection, but then it returns a couple of days later before you fully recover.

Take the following steps to protect yourself from the illness

The advice to people living in the affected area is to boil your drinking water and drink plenty to prevent becoming dehydrated – and stay away at home until it’s subsided.

Beyond the current outbreak, crypto can also be caught in lakes and swimming pools and contact with animal manure.

Therefore, you should always avoid swallowing water in lakes and swimming pools.

Catching it from animals is usually the most common way people become unwell, with a spike coming in spring when farms hold open days.

You should always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after working with, feeding, grooming or playing with pets and other animals.

How do I treat the illness?

There is no specific treatment for cryptosporidiosis.

Most people with a healthy immune system will recover within one month.

It’s important to drink plenty of fluids as diarrhoea or vomiting can lead to dehydration and you can lose important sugars and minerals from your body. 

Cryptosporidiosis is highly infectious, so you need to be very clean around your home for at least 48 hours after your symptoms stop, so don’t return to work or school until that time has passed, don’t share towels or bedding and don’t prepare food for others.

You are infectious to other people while you are ill and have symptom

This afternoon, around a dozen vans from South West Water were lined up outside a pumping station where the outbreak is believed to have been detected earlier this week.

One local, James Martins, said: “We have been ill for weeks with vomiting, diarrhoea and headaches.

“We are still feeling bad on an off.

“My understanding is it will be days or weeks before the reservoir is fully drained and in the meantime we have to boil our water.”

South West Water
South West Water released this map of Brixham yesterday outlining the areas where residents must boil their water[/caption]
Neil Hope
A gentleman picks up some bottled water at Broadsands Beach car park in nearby Paignton on Thursday, as residents were ordered to boil tap water[/caption]
Neil Hope
South West Water vehicles were spotted lined up along roads near Brixham as officers hunted down the source of the contamination[/caption]
Neil Hope
Signs were put up at taps warning locals not to use them[/caption]
It came after dozens of locals and holidaymakers in Brixham reported experiencing grim symptoms like watery diarrhoea, stomach pains, nausea or vomiting, a mild fever, and loss of appetite[/caption]
Neil Hope
After the boil water order went out, emergency bottled water pick-up locations sprung up for locals to get hold of clean drinking water[/caption]

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