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'Alito is the worst': WaPo columnist tees off on 'intellectually dishonest' justice

U.S. Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito is blaming his wife for an upside-down American flag displayed outside his home after the 2020 election, and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson called the scandal another example of why he's one of the worst in history.

The inverted flag is considered a signal of distress, and some of Donald Trump's supporters adopted the symbol to protest Joe Biden's election win -- and even carried them during the U.S. Capitol riot -- and Robinson agreed with MSNBC's Joe Scarborough that his explanation was bogus.

"No, nobody believes him," Robinson said. "He says briefly, you know, that the [New York] Times story had neighbors suggesting that briefly meant for a period of days, this flag was flying upside-down at Justice Alito's house. The idea that, you know, a yard sign that says something rude, apparently said something rude about President Trump, is enough for a Supreme Court justice, who is supposed to be non-political, supposed to be, you know, less political than Caesar's wife, would do this."

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Alito told the newspaper his wife displayed the flag in response to a neighbor's sign she found insulting, and Robinson not only cast doubt on the explanation but said it was woefully insufficient for someone of his stature.

"Now, of course, as Alito always does, try to sort of brazen his way through it," Robinson said. "I mean, I'll just say it: I have thought for a long time that Alito is the worst justice, he is one of the worst justices that we have seen on the Supreme Court since the days of, you know, [Roger B.] Taney and the other justices that enabled decades of Jim Crow. I mean, he's just -- his opinions have always struck me as intellectually dishonest, coming out with a predetermined result. Now this. It is just stunning to me, stunning."

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