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Colorado GOP tells parents to pull their kids from public schools

The Colorado Republican Party has issued a call for all parents to pull their kids from public schools because Democrats use them to “turn more kids trans.” 

The email proclamation comes in response to a bill requiring schools to develop policies that prohibit discrimination around using students’ chosen names for unofficial documents such as rosters and name tags. Gov. Jared Polis signed it into law on April 29.

“In reality, all Colorado parents should be aiming to remove their kids from public education,” reads the email signed by Darcy Schoening, the director of special initiatives for the Colorado GOP.

That call is similar to one made in 2022 by Republican gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl, who told parents to remove students from public schools and move them to church-run schools. 

While both Schoening and Ganahl push their culture war agenda and lament the dominance of Democrats in the state legislature, neither seems to understand that their radical attacks could be directly connected to their party’s repeated failures at the ballot box.

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