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‘Final nail in the coffin’, drivers cry as major car park is shut down over ‘safety fears’ in shock closure

FUMING drivers have vented their frustrations after a major car park was shut down over “safety fears”.

Locals were left stunned after Moorfield car park in Truro, Cornwall, was closed indefinitely by Cornwall Council.

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Moorfield Carpark in Truro has been shut down[/caption]
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Disgruntled locals voiced their concerns on social media[/caption]

The town’s biggest council car park was closed following “concerns” discovered using an inspection.

The multi-storey levels, which includes decks four to nine, of Moorfield car park are now closed to visitors.

However, Cornwall Council has said that the ground floor and outside sections, as well as the parking area for reserved permit holders, remain open.

But the shock closure last night of the car park, which has over 680 spaces in total, has only added to problems locals are battling with parking.

The closure follows the loss of the Viaduct and Carrick House car parks, which were demolished to make way for the huge Pydar development.

It means there are now only three long stay council-run car parks in the city centre.

The council’s full statement reads: “The multi-storey section of Moorfield Car Park in Truro will close from this evening (Tuesday, May 21) following concerns highlighted during a routine inspection of the structure.

“The ground floor and outside sections, as well as the parking area for reserved permit holders, remains open.”

Stunned drivers were quick to comment on Cornwall Council’s announcement of the closure on Facebook.

The post racked up more than 100 comments from disgruntled motorists.

One said: “Final nail in the coffin for Truro and its retail businesses, Viaduct gone and now Moorfield, almost impossible to park in Truro anymore Cornwall Council.”

Another wrote: “Wow. How long until this will be rectified? Truro is an already dying city centre, we need to do everything we can to bring people in to the city.

“To save our jobs and bring money in to our local economy.”

A third commented: “In other words … The council are pretending it’s unsafe to use so they can knock it down, sell the land and be replaced by flats.”

While another Facebook user said: “Our council have completely ruined Truro and the surrounding areas.

“Over development, more houses more people more cars. So obviously the best thing to do would be close or dig up the cities car parks. Idiots!

“Less and less parking will kill our already struggling city centre, it doesn’t take a genius to work that out.”

Parking rules every driver should know

It comes as a motorist was left stunned after a hostile note left on her car branded her “lazy” and “thoughtless” for her parking.

Sally Lambourne had parked in a newly designated bay for electric vehicle charging in Rhos-on-Sea, Conwy, Wales.

Meanwhile, a woman was left baffled after her neighbour accused her of “trespassing” for parking on her own driveway.

The man next door claimed he “owned the land” and even threatened to “cordon it off”.

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