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I get so many comments about being a single mum-of-four – but I don’t even make them lunch, it’s peace and quiet for me

A SINGLE mum-of-four has insisted that while she gets so many comments about how “busy” her life is, it’s actually the opposite.

Sophie took to TikTok as she explained the reasons she’d rather have her four kids than being a mum of just one.

Sophie took to TikTok to explain why she’s less “busy” with four kids than some mums with just one
She said that one child would be more work than her four[/caption]

“The comment I get the most about being a single mum with four kids is, ‘Bloody hell, I couldn’t do it’, and ‘You must be so busy’,” she said.

“One that makes me think I’m not that busy. S**t, am I missing something?

“And 2. Oh no, no, it’s you with one child that I salute you.

“Cause I could not do it, I couldn’t do it!”

Sophie went on to explain that with one child, there’s always someone asking her to play with them.

However, when a child has siblings – they have someone to play with them all the time.

“Whilst your kid is asking you to sit down and do arts and crafts, my 4 kids are jumping on the trampoline with a broom tryna smack each other with it,” Sophie continued.

“But you know what? It’s peace and quiet for me.

“We go to a party, my kids are gone. Gone.

“You with your one child that sits next to you and is anxious and scared cause they haven’t got anyone else.

“Me with my 4 kids turn up to a party and mine start WWE wrestling match on the bouncy castle, eating the buffet before it’s even opened.”

And when it comes to feeding her kids, Sophie’s are so independent that they almost do it themselves.

“Whilst your kid is saying, ‘Mummy, Mummy, please can we have a nice little picnic, just me and you?’, mine don’t need lunch,” she said.

“They’ve raided the cupboards, made a den upstairs and now having a snack attack in there.

“With a movie all together.

“And I don’t need to do anything… I just get to sit here in peace and quiet.”

Different parenting styles explained

There are four recognised styles of parenting explained below:

Authoritarian Parenting

What some might describe as ‘regimental’ or ‘strict parenting.

Parents with this style focus on strict rules, obedience, and discipline. 

Authoritarian parents take over the decision-making power, rarely giving children any input in the matter.

When it comes to rules, you believe it’s “my way or the highway.”

Permissive Parenting

Often referred to as ‘soft parenting’ or ‘yes mums/dads’.

Permissive parents are lenient, only stepping in when there’s a serious problem.

They’re quite forgiving and they adopt an attitude of “kids will be kids.”

Oftentimes they act more like friends than authoritative figures.

Authoritative Parenting

Authoritative parents provide their children with rules and boundaries, but they also give them the freedom to make decisions.

With an authoritative parenting style, parents validate their children’s feelings while also making it clear that the adults are ultimately in charge.

They use positive reinforcement techniques, like praise and reward systems, as opposed to harsh punishments.

Neglectful or Uninvolved Parenting

Essentially, neglectful parents ignore their children, who receive little guidance, nurturing, and parental attention.

They don’t set rules or expectations, and they tend to have minimal knowledge about what their children are doing.

Uninvolved parents expect children to raise themselves. They don’t devote much time or energy to meeting children’s basic needs.

Uninvolved parents may be neglectful but it’s not always intentional. A parent with mental health issues or substance abuse problems, for example, may not be able to care for a child’s physical or emotional needs consistently.

Sophie concluded by saying that while “theoretically” she has her “hands full” with four kids, she only has to put in “minimal” effort.

“And if anything, I actually don’t know how you guys with one kid, do it,” she mused.

“That’s too much effort for me. I made for on purpose so that I could do less mumming.

“And I’ve achieved it.

“Well done for being that full time mum and everything, because I can’t do it!”

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