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Sen. Chris West: Setting the record straight on abortion views | READERS RESPOND

Sen. Chris West: Setting the record straight on abortion views | READERS RESPOND

I have long believed that Maryland’s existing abortion statute, which was endorsed by Maryland’s voters 62% to 38% in a referendum over 30 years ago, represents the best solution to the abortion controversy. 

In its commentary space, The Sun recently published a letter from Carrie Armstrong Montague (“Hogan will fall in with his party on abortion if elected,” May 20) which in so many words accused me of lying to her about my position on abortion. This is untrue.  Permit me to set the record straight.

I have long believed that Maryland’s existing abortion statute, which was endorsed by Maryland’s voters 62% to 38% in a referendum over 30 years ago, represents the best solution to the abortion controversy.  Maryland’s statute permits a woman to have an abortion until the child reaches the point of viability.  The present statute thus accords to a woman the right to obtain an abortion for many months after her pregnancy begins, but then protects the life of the child once it could live in the event of an early delivery.  I believe that my position is a centrist, pro-choice position, and accordingly, I certainly informed Ms. Montague that on the issue of abortion, I am a centrist and pro-choice Republican.

On the other hand, I have never believed that taxpayer money should be used to pay for abortions. The use of taxpayer money to pay for abortions causes considerable outrage among the ranks of the substantial number of Maryland residents who believe that abortion is murder. Further, such subsidies are unnecessary because, to the best of my knowledge, no Maryland resident desiring an abortion has been unable to obtain one due to financial need. Planned Parenthood and other organizations have always made sure that abortions are available to all. This is why my wife and I have been supporters of Planned Parenthood and joined Ms. Montague at the 2019 annual Planned Parenthood fundraising dinner.

In spite of the acrimony that it would produce, abortion supporters introduced the Abortion Care Access Act in the 2022 Session of the Maryland General Assembly. This bill proposed to spend taxpayer money to pay for the abortions of Maryland citizens as well as the citizens of other states who come to Maryland to have their abortions.  As expected, the bill indeed produced considerable acrimony. Consistent with my long-held position, I voted against the bill.  Ms. Montague may believe that forcing people who are morally opposed to abortion to help to pay for such abortions is centrist, but I respectfully disagree with her on this.

My position on abortion is and always has been nuanced.  In the current parlous political climate, nuance is anathema to many.  One is expected to position oneself at one extreme or the other.  I refuse to tailor my more centrist views to cater to extremists on either side.

— Chris West, Towson

The writer is a Republican representing District 42 in Baltimore and Carroll counties. 

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