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Toxic metals found in baby formula


(CONNECTICUT CENTINAL) – GMO Science, which has been committed to shining a light on the effects of GMOs and their associated pesticides for over 10 years, released a shocking new study on the toxic metals found in baby formula. The baby formula toxic metal study was a joint collaboration by Zen Honeycutt, Stephanie Seneff, PhD,…

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(Image courtesy Pexels)

(CONNECTICUT CENTINAL) – GMO Science, which has been committed to shining a light on the effects of GMOs and their associated pesticides for over 10 years, released a shocking new study on the toxic metals found in baby formula.

The baby formula toxic metal study was a joint collaboration by Zen Honeycutt, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, and Michelle Perro, MD. Twenty different types of formula were tested twice for the study.

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All of the samples tested positive for concerning levels of aluminum and lead, and some also tested positive for arsenic, cadmium and mercury. The mercury levels in four samples exceeded the FDA limit for drinking water. The cadmium level in both samples for one brand were nearly twice the level found in drinking water. Five samples tested positive for all five metals.

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