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State to mandate climate brainwashing for students


(THE WASHINGTON STANDARD) – With the United Nations and other powerful international players demanding more, government schools across Illinois will soon be required to indoctrinate every student with man-made “climate change” propaganda. But despite a brouhaha about the scheme, children across the state are already being bombarded with global-warming hysteria.

The new mandate is included in legislation that has already cleared virtually every hurdle on the route to becoming law. If signed, schools would be required to teach children that human activities are causing global warming, along with supposed “solutions” to this alleged crisis.

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“[B]eginning with the 2026-2027 school year, every public school shall provide instruction on climate change, which shall include, but not be limited to, identifying the environmental and ecological impacts of climate change on individuals and communities and evaluating solutions for addressing and mitigating the impact of climate change,” the bill states.

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